About UBS

UBS has an excellent reputation within its market area, attained by the high standards and the excellent quality achieved on all of the projects it undertakes.  With over 22 years of experience in the Telecoms Industry our business is firmly based on consistently high customer service and continued support from the outset of any job. We always aim to exceed the expectations of our clients and continue to build upon the excellent relationships we have with our existing customers.
Customer service is very important to the UBS team, and we understand the need for your project to be carried out on budget, on time and with the minimum of disruption to you, your staff and your business. As a UBS customer you will receive the highest standard of personal service and we are in no doubt that you will be delighted with the final outcome.  
Ideally situated in Nottingham in the East Midlands, UBS are able to help clients all around the country with their telecommunications and other cabling system needs. 
The following pages will give you an insight into our products and services. Please feel free to contact us via our online form, however we will be pleased to talk to you on any matter of concern you may have at present with your data system should you wish to call us directly on 0115 941 9500 or e-mail us by clicking on the link on the left of this page.  
We look forward to speaking to you.